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Tea Party Activists Decry the Death of Innocent Americans

FoxNews reports: Tea Party Activists Challenge Philly Mayor Over Arrest Records

Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter’s opposition to renewing a contract allowing federal immigration authorities full access to city arrest records is infuriating local Tea Party activists and their allies who say the potential move could jeopardize the public safety of residents and visitors to the city.

Supporters of the contract… expressed… “Mayor Nutter’s decision to conceal illegal alien criminals from federal immigration authorities will result in the deaths of innocent Americans,” Peter Gadiel, the president of 9/11 Families for a Secure America, said in a press release. “We who have been the victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens have paid the price for such policies implemented by other politicians who are more interested in the votes of illegals and their supporters than in the safety of American citizens.”

In a related story: Administration’s ‘Silent Raids’ Lead to Firings, Not Deportations

Instead of immigration sweeps at factories and farms which used to lead to illegal workers being shipped out of the country, the administration’s new policy—government conducted audits labeled “silent raids” by employers—usually only result in the workers losing their jobs, the Times said.

This current policy is a contrast to the Bush-era work-site roundups where undocumented employees were deported en masse. It also represents the current government opinion that treating the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants as criminals would overwhelm the system.

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