
Archive for the ‘Constitutional’ Category

In the Wake of Thursdays 1st Amendment Stunner – Obamas Secret Plan to Repeal the First Amendment

by JW ‘Yawn’ vanLohuizen

Thursday the Obama White House quietly took the first step in eliminating the first amendment by suspending freedom of speech and freedom of the press for the first time since Abraham Lincoln. News cameras are now required to remain over 65 feet away from anything that is a result of the Gulf Oil Spill. Immediate detainment, severe jail times and heavy fines will now be imposed in the name of “Not Hindering Cleanup”.

In the past people in Obama’s administration have made statements on the record that they will subvert the constitution and all they need to do is to have a foot in the door. Well wake up, entry has been accomplished, now the invasion and subversion of our rights begins. Communist Russia and Nazi Germany, and Red China come to mind. First the press, then speech, finally enslavement…

Here a two articles that go into depth, the first on the details of the this new executive order and the second on the evidence of Obama’s secret plan to completely repeal the first amendment:

White House Suspends First Amendment Rights in Covering Damage From Oil Spill

(If you can’t get the Facebook page here is the CNN video with Anderson Cooper)

Obama’s Secret Plan to Repeal First Amendment

What if it were Mexico?

In a response to all of the law haters, gathering all around the country, using rights that many of them don’t even have, because they are not American citizens allowed to use their constitutional right to gather peacefully in protest. Here is my take:

What if it were Mexico?

What would the legal residents of Mexico say if: I and 50 million American citizens, decided to cross the Mexican border, without documentation, and take up residence in housing that is supposed to be for Mexican citizens, their families, and legal foreign workers & diplomats. We would then obtain a real Mexican’s National Identity Card number and use it to then take jobs that Mexican families or other legal foreign workers need to make living. We would then use it to apply for social benefits, get doctors appointments (and I have a friend who answers the phone and knows that they call her regularly to find doctors but have no understanding of our American medical system or way of life, and speak almost no English with a Mexican accent), get free health care from hospitals, obtain (allegedly) legal drivers licenses & car insurance and a plethora of other services.

To make things even worse we would get Mexican food assistance and other free services because we claim to be poor (but really we have sent all of our money to our families in America), via an illegal money laundering service to bypass identification by the Mexican & American authorities, Mexican & American banking regulations, Mexican & American laws, and the majority of Mexican & American taxes. The only money we may pay toward taxes are Mexican sales & payroll taxes (which may not be paid if I have a stolen Mexican National Identity Card number and the real owner would then be forced to pay those taxes if I told my employer not take any deductions).

Again this is a fictitious comparison, based on real events that occur daily in the United States of America. I believe that, if this were happening there, Mexico’s “legal” residents would be up in arms if we attempted this. So why are there so many here, that accuse us of being racist and opposed to immigration when the tables are turned?

How about if we just fired all of the border agents and the airport security agents and just put a sign up that says free lunch? Would they be happy then?

As I stated earlier: “It’s about the Border Stupid!

It’s about the Border Stupid!

This was a feedback email that I sent to the Station Manager at WFAA-DT in Dallas TX. (With some of spelling & grammar corrections and more emphasis.)

I am so tired all you media elites; telling people, in your propaganda pieces, that this issue in Arizona and Texas is an immigration issue. This is far from the truth!!! It is a “Border Control” issue and has absolutely NOTHING to do with legal immigration!!!

Criminals break in through the windows but Friends & People that are “Invited In”, come through the front door!

I and most others, want people like my parents, to go through the legal process; and We Welcome Them After They Do!!! They and many, many others, who had to take the long road and cost, ALL want others do the same , or what they went through- was all for nothing.

Legal citizenship (even at birth) and Green Cards are a privilege that is totally without meaning in this trample down the gates mentality.

How would you like it if I could legally come in you house, take a room, eat out of your refrigerator and bath in your shower with only a simply promise that I will wash my own dishes and my own clothes in you sink and washing machine??? Oh, and I might walk your dog to show that I am a good person!

You tell me where I am wrong and I will then tell you that there is no longer a sovereign United States of America, but in it’s place, we have become the halfway house of the world!!!

If you don’t stop dictating to people the party line, then I will have to speak against your public license in the community interest, because you are no long an objective news reporting station but rather are force feeding your opinions on us, with NO balance or unbiased presentation of the facts.

I have been long time News8 viewer, but I will be damned rather than be that I am against immigration by people that I used to trust for news, not opinion, during a “newscast”!!! Everyone is now doing it, 8, 4, 5, 11, 21, 33 and I simply won’t stand for it!!!

You, as the station manager, should no better. Shame!!! Shame!!! Shame!!! But if you don’t watch your own newscasts them you should be fired.